David is Goliath

Entanglement theory:
Higgs Bosson : God particle is basically the same. Where an old fashioned slide projection where light travelling through a film would naturally have the light on the screen show only what the slide held on it for the lower left corner and the upper right zone only projected information from the upper right area of the slide. Higgs Bosson can be thought of as a holographic projection where every pixel of the projection carries all of the information for the entire image if viewed from that height and angle. A holographic way of looking at the universe is built off of the truth that says any electron that has ever been in any other molecule prior spins synchronized perfectly with every other electron in that molecule across unlimited space and …get this…across all time.

So, when you stand on the banks of the river looking down thinking how molecules of moisture you are watching flowing past must contain moisture that was in Jesus or Hitler or your grandmother or all of your ancestors mingling with moisture from you last week. You should also try to feel electrons in your body spinning still synchronized to those that are in that river or are drifting out of your mouth to join a cloud at this moment. And the scene becomes one built like a Giacometti drawing of interwoven energy paths but also with inexplicable shared orientation holding all the information for everything in each single particle….we are holding everything within us and everything holds us and so we are one of everything. No separation!! One big entangled thing. Hating your neighbour is hating yourself…

tied and sharing far more destiny that one might ever have considered before..