Royden Mills short Bio:
Royden Mills teaches Studio Art in Art Fundamentals, Drawing and Inter-media and Contemporary and Figurative Sculpture at the University of Alberta .He has done many large-scale commissions and installations, and collaborative performances nationally and Internationally and has shown extensively internationally. He has enjoyed many successful collaborations including with Sean Caulfield, Catherine Burgess and Walter Jule., Brian Webb and Isabelle Van Grimde Dance Companies. He has served on the Board of Directors at The Edmonton Art Gallery and is a past President of the Edmonton Contemporary Art Society. In 2014 he won the William Hardy Alexander teaching award and the Faculty of Arts teaching award at the U. of A. He has coordinated all 32 sections of Art and Design Fundamentals and taught and supervised while maintaining a very strong professional studio practice over many years. In 2017 he Completed a Major Commission for the City of Edmonton using 60,00 Pounds of Stone and welded steel and Analogue sound collection in Terwillegar Park was inducted into the Royal Canadian Academy of Art and won an Alberta Art Foundation Project Grant to Attend the Digital Stone Project in Italy where further work with stone carving and robotic seven axis marble carving was the focus.. The Terwillegar Park Installation won recognition from the group Americans for the Arts who, in June 2018 claimed the work to be “ One of the most exemplary , innovative Public Art Works”. 2018 also took Mills to India where he completed a major in the First International Symposium for Public Art Work in Bhubaneshwar, Odishia India for ANPIC.
He was inducted into the Royal Canadian Academy of the Arts in 2017 and took the role of Director of Edmonton Sculpture Project; begun in May 2021. He served on The Edmonton Arts Council Public Art Committee for many years and was President of the Edmonton Contemporary Art Society for two years. Large scale public installations of Mills’ work can be found at “Grounds for Sculpture, USA”, “Chomin Hall”Shikaoi Japan, Big Rock Sculpture Park in Little Rock USA, Robert Webb Sculpture Garden Dalton Georgia USA, Zielina Gora Poland, Odette Sculpture Park Windsor, and University of Lethbridge, Canmore Hospital and has large scale sculpture in the Collection of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts, The Art Gallery of Alberta both EPCOR Tower, Enbridge Tower in Edmonton And he has won Alberta Foundation for the Arts Project Grants and a major Research and Creation Grant in 2022 from the Canada Council. He has curated many exhibitions for younger artists within and outside of the University and is proud so many former students have sustainable respected studio practices and academic posts locally and all over the world.
Click HERE to Download a CV, Artist Statement and Package of Images for Royden Mills from 2019
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