Digital Stone Project 2020-2021 Dyscorpia 2.1

Digital Stone Project 2020 was cancelled but several artists from Edmonto forged ahead with the digital robotic milling with the commitment to go to Italy in 2021.

I refined a Digital model that I liked but then was forced to reconsider the proportions of what I had made. The result was a stretch in physical and metaphysical ways..

Then, the vibrant Mariléne Oliver asked us to consider putting the DSP work in Dyscorpia 2.1 so I was able to take the file and give it to her in a way that brought up a lot of thinking about Democratic sculpture that anyone could enjoy and print from.

while much personal investment will go into milling and refining a monument in marble, anyone could download and print my work or even, I suppose alter it and mill or print and that is both interesting and intimidating too.

what need have we of monuments? What is a virtual sculpture? What does sculpture add if it becomes real rather than remain virtual?

somethings to think about in this era.

have a look and let me know what you think!!